Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday, Nov 30th in Dominical

So here we go again … early to rise at 5:30 am on ANOTHER rainy, bleak, gray day.  We made a big pot of rich, strong local Costa Rican coffee, sat on the spacious veranda and talked about what to do today. Even WITH the rain here, we feel much more content in our shorts and T-shirts and looking at the ocean.  And best of  all … NO BUGS. 

As we started to make breakfast, we met the OTHER D&D ... our hosts David and Debbie (they live part of the year in Alaska & Colorado).  Very friendly and open people who have made us feel very much at home.  We also ran our first load of laundry in over a week which also helped our morale. 

It felt good to want to cook again, so I whipped up some spicy scrambled eggs and we enjoyed breakfast on the veranda.

Not ALLOWING the rain to stop us, we packed up our stuff and headed out; first stop the beach. That is, after several attempts to FIND the very well hidden road which leads down to the beach.  It is so INCREDIBLY LUSH!  The roads and restaurants here take several passes, back and forth, before we can figure out where to go, even WITH the lady in the GPS (who continues to be misleading)!  

So we headed out to explore low tide, and THANK YOU GOD, I found my shadow there!

The beach here is absolutely gorgeous.  Big rocks, waves, sound and lots of baby crabs crawling everywhere.  We blissfully explored for quite a while enjoying our favorite hobby … photography.

                                LOOK into the distance to SEE our UPPER LEVEL "cabina"

                               Here's a ZOOM pic of our upper level "cabina" (shot from the beach)

Following advice from our host, we then drove to the little village of Dominical which looked NOTHING like it did last night in the downpour and darkness. 

              Dennis on his way to the Tortilla Flats bar / restaurant across from the playa (beach)

                               Kathy Weyand... we FOUND the MAGIC BUS in Costa Rica!

             Diana loves this little town so Dennis made an offer to buy this beautiful get away place

The rain actually continued to be minimal and we headed south for about 30 miles to explore.  The coast highway here is in great condition, except of course for the mini-landslides due to the massive rain.  The jungle in this area reaches right down to the Pacific ocean.  So beautiful!

We made a store run and it wasn’t bad at all.  Dennis says he could deal with shopping here on a short-term basis (hear me say YES!)  

                                                       Ivonne... THINKING of YOU!

We then FINALLY found the  turn off for the restaurant La Parcela which is at the end of a peninsula, just south of our AirBnB rental. 

We so enjoyed our cold drink, nachos, and view as we watched the rain move back in.  But this time, the rain was fine with us.

We made one more stop today at the road-side fresh pescado (fish) market.  Our choices were shrimp, marlin, sea bass, and mahimahi.  We bought a kilo (2.2 pounds) of the latter for $15.00 USD.  Dennis is preparing blackened (pan seared) mahimahi for the first time ever!  We'll serve the fish in tortillas topped with diced tomatoes and glazed with a "crema" (avocado, mayonnaise, garlic, onion, lime & salt).  YUMMY!  

               Chef Cindy and Chef Robb... we're thinking of you making this fish dish tonight 

Dennis and I work jointly photographing, composing, uploading (quite a JOB in a third world country!) and preparing our blog.  But I will end today with just one image that explains how I personally feel about Dominical, Costa Rica ...

What if... can you imagine us living here for 1, 2 or 3 months?  I think you how Diana feels today! 

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