Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday, Dec 1st, still in Dominical

Yes ~ here we go again with another rainy and dark day.  BUT IT IS WARM.  Sure beats the FREEZE that's happening back home in Sahuarita, Arizona.

We had breakfast on the veranda again ~ simply enjoying the view...

And look what I spotted without even using my binoculars!  It is such a thrill for me to see such beautiful creatures in the wild.  Can you find and identify the bird in the center tree (last tall tree behind the short palm trees in the middle of the pic)? 

I'm sure most of you figured this out on your own... it's a Chesnut-Mandibled Toucan

So once again not allowing the weather to stop us, we headed north about 45 minutes to Quepos and Manuel Antonio.  On the way we tried to stopped at our host's "Secret Beach" which they go to every Wednesday (well, they certainly didn't go yesterday).  We couldn't quite make it to the ocean due to the mud and standing water at the end of the road.  We weren't going to risk driving into that.

    Mud and a small pond forming at the end of the road blocking our access to the beach.  Oh well!

We had TORRENTIAL rain during the rest of the drive and were happy to safely arrive at the nation's most popular national park; Manuel Antonio.  Thanks to advice from friends and research before arriving, we knew not to park where men in official looking shirts were directing us to park. So we just kept driving right up to the gate of the park and FOUND IT CLOSED because water from the river was overflowing the bridge that provides access into the park.  

                                                      Oh PLEASE... can we just get a break???

So what else are we to do but stop in a local cantina for a beer?  Thank God a monkey was hanging around so we actually got to see one.

Highly aggressive White Face Capuchin monkey that steals food and anything you leave unattended

We worked our way home again, through another downpour and stopped at Por Que No, a small hotel and restaurant neighboring our AirBnB, to split a sandwich.  It was quite the show sitting ocean-side while Mother Nature enthralled us with thunder and lightening over the ocean.  

You'd think we'd be pretty discouraged by now, but even in the darkest storm, it is still warm and beautiful enough to keep us interested.  As I was relaxing on the veranda, I continued watching for birds, and found this vulture ~

We're doing some research today and looking at short-term rentals, and just staying open to possibilities.  

Because when the sun DOES come out, even if just for a few moments, 

Sending Love and wishing all a HAPPY DECEMBER from Costa Rica ~
                                                                 Dennis & Diana

1 comment:

  1. I'm bummed you couldn't see Manuel Antonio. Nothing drenches your spirits, which I have always admired about you two :)
