Sunday, December 11, 2016

HOME SAFE and HAPPY to be back in ARIZONA!

Dennis is writing this blog so look out.  Like a box of chocolates, you NEVER know what your going to get!

We arrived home SAFELY on the late afternoon of Wednesday, December 7th.  We're happy to be home in lovely, sunny, dry, clear blue sky, warm Southern Arizona! 

It's taken us a few days to regroup, reorganize and replenish our bodies and minds.  As of Sunday, we're back into our personal and work routines.  We're eating well, exercising and feeling great!

Funny and unusual for us, we had an old friend (Dru May) visit us on the night before we departed for Costa Rica and our special friend (kitty sitter Kristy Kuhn) stayed with us on the night we returned home from Costa Rica.  We've NEVER had guests pre and post trip.  Somehow, it was COOL to have guests.

           Dru (my oldest buddy) surprised us with a visit on the night BEFORE we departed... GREAT!

                    Dennis, Diana and Kristy around our tiny Christmas tree... it was FUN being together!       

As you already know from reading our blog posts, we HAD a challenging trip but we DID make the most of it.  As Diana says… we really didn’t get to fully experience Costa Rica (especially the wildlife, birds, etc.) so a return trip will happen SOMETIME in the future.  We made new friends in Dominical (on the South Pacific coast) so we’ve got a great studio unit that we can rent for an extended period of time. 

                     Costa Rica... WOW!  A small country with SO MUCH to see and experience!

We've decided to NOT return to Costa Rica in April - May 2017.  There are other countries calling our name... a potential visit to Columbia, Panama, Belize, Mexico or ???

We THANK YOU for taking some time out of your day to follow our travel adventures.  It's SO MUCH FUN to know that our family, friends and clients are sharing our travel experiences!

We wish you (and your families) a WONDERFUL, HEALTHY, JOYOUS and SPECIAL Christmas and New Year holiday!

We feel VERY blessed to have the opportunity to travel around the world.  Just know we love each and everyone of you,

Dennis & Diana

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