Tuesday, November 22, 2016

So off we go on November 22nd ....


A potential and building hurricane is heading to the country.   Now what? Since the travel insurance won't kick in until we arrive in the country, then let the adventure begin!

I am writing this from the Houston Airport on the way to San Salvador.  I know we'll make it to San Jose but THEN WHAT?  Our 3 days in Tortuguero on the Caribbean Coast have already been cancelled.

Stay tuned ....

UPDATE 11:45PM .... we have safely arrived in San Jose and staying at a decent Radisson Hotel.  We are a little pooped after a long day of travel, especially since we got up so early.  But I'd like to report that Avianca is a lovely airline.  Good service and we were fed ALL day long, starting with United out of Tucson to Houston, and then Avianca for the last two legs from Houston to San Salvador, and the final leg into San Jose.  The desserts on Avianca are GREAT ~ especially when paired with the right wine! 

So we're here and tonight it is not raining.  Now we have to figure out where to get to so we can hunker down for the storm.  Our first AirBnB place at Arenal doesn't start until Sunday, so we need to create a new game plan.  We both have been searching AirBnB (and other websited) to find a place, but not knowing what the storm will bring makes it a little confusing.

I'm sure a good night's sleep will bring a solution tomorrow, and more clarification on what the storm is doing.  In  the meantime,  I feel grateful to be in Costa Rica. 

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