Sunday, November 27, 2016

Arenal Volcano

Saturday, November 26th traveling to El Castillo 

We left Finca Isla on the most beautiful day we’ve seen since we arrived in Costa Rica.  The drive from Aguas Zarcas to El Castillo, which sits in the shadow of the volcano, took about 2 hours.  The sun was shining and we actually could SEE the volcano.  We were warned that it is not always sunny and bright here, so we were thrilled with the view.

Arenal Volcano view from El Castillo

Lake Arenal view - late afternoon

We were quite surprised how remote El Castillo really is.  When the directions said to turn off the paved road onto the rough, rocky road, we didn’t know what we were going to encounter.  Thankfully we have a high clearance 4-wheel drive SUV … we needed it!

Our AirBnB home is amazing for this part of Costa Rica.  We have the entire upper floor and spiral-staircase to the roof top with no other visitors staying below us.  It was warm, partly sunny, and we enjoyed the view from the wrap around veranda and the top level for the afternoon.  The clouds on the volcano changed every few minutes and we were in awe. 

From the roof top we overlook the tiny neighborhood of local “Tico” houses and I noticed an interesting event unfolding next door.  The father of the family arrived with several slabs of meat in the trunk of his car.  These slabs (looked like pig hind quarters) were brought to an open area in the back of the home.  Family and friends arrived to watch the butchery work of the father as the mother (and siblings) helped to cut the large swaths of meat into smaller manageable pieces.  This process took several hours while music played, food was enjoyed and loud discussions took place.  Later on Saturday, a party (or celebration of some kind) took place and the smells of grilled meat filled the air.  There was loud music, even louder laughter and I believe a good time was had by all!

Of course we both took pictures like crazy and were so excited to post them here.  UNFORTUNATELY, the Wi-Fi is a little spotty and it’s a neat trick to get them uploaded from my Smart phone to the Cloud and then downloaded back to the laptop.  That process does NOT happen automatically like it does at home.  OOOOPPPPS … I accidently deleted the entire day’s images with one click.  Thank goodness Dennis got some images with his camera.

And then it started raining, with lightning and thunder, and it continued ALL night long.  I did get my wish to sleep in the rain …  

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