Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wed., November 23 - let's make a plan!

After a good night's sleep, we are ready to figure out the next step.  But first, I just want to share a couple of pics from our journey yesterday that we were too tired to post last night ...

Hey ... how come his champagne glass is empty?
For airplane food, we were impressed.  Why didn't I take a picture of the super yummy chocolate lava cake?

3rd meal of the trip ... .this was at about 10PM.  That is banana cream pie!

We tried last night to make a plan for today, but we were just too pooped.  But today we had a wonderful breakfast as part of our Radisson stay.  This is right up my alley!  Rice & beans, eggs, and quesadilla!

I had room for the chorizo/corn/squash, but passed on that.  Dennis liked it.

The Internet in the room is very spotty, but works great in the lobby and restaurant.  So after eating and determining where the Red Flag warnings are in Costa Rica for the Hurricane, we found an AirBnB place that is in the Yellow Flag zone (the REST of Costa Rica) and we booked ourselves in a cute little place in Aguas Zarcas for the next 2 nights.

Thank God for strong Internet!
So now we wait for our rental car to arrive.  As long as we don't have any driving issues, it should take about 2.5 hours to get there.  Gratefully our Hyundai Santa Fe 4x4 SUV will come with a GPS.  Being in a country with no signs or shoulders will make that GPS an absolute God send.

So off we go ... will check back in when we arrive there later.  

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