Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wed, Nov 23rd Continues ...

And what an interesting afternoon it was.

We decided on an AirBnb that was about 2.5 hours outside of San Jose.  The rental car company did arrive with our car around 1:15pm.  It took  almost 45 minutes for us to review and sign all of the paperwork, learn how to use the GPS, and review the car itself.  That is a first for us ~ that has never happened to us in the USA!

So we got on the road and MAN there is traffic and erratic drivers here.  It took us about an hour to get out of San Jose and through Alajuela.  It was all surface streets except for a short time on the Pan-American Highway.  We were so glad to start climbing up through the mountains, but of course the road got very narrow with potholes, and the rain began.

Coffee plantation farm on the drive up the mountain
We decided to take the scenic road to our destination (because it was supposedly the shortest route) but it was VERY challenging to drive the narrow 2 lane country roads with NO markers, NO center lines and NO shoulders!  Oncoming large trucks and buses led to hair raising close encounters with barely space to pass without scraping,  Up and up, side to side... we climbed to the top of the mountain (close to the Poas Volcano) and then descended down and down (past the La Paz waterfall), winding our way to tonight's destination in Aguas Zarcas (a very small town).

La Paz waterfall flowing large today and increasing tomorrow!

We wanted to move WEST away from Hurricane Otto that is making landfall on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua tomorrow ... Thanksgiving Day!  And we're glad we experienced that road today because we were told this evening that the road will most likely close tomorrow due to landslides!

We arrived at Finca Isla around 4:30.  It is an old coffee plantation and farm on the outskirts of Aguas Zarcas.     CLICK HERE to see the lodge

This old lodge has only 5 rustic and quaint rooms.  You have to cross a merge of 2 rivers to drive into the facility.  When the heavy rains arrive and the rivers rise, we may not be able to leave this property for SEVERAL days!  We went into the small town to stock up with food and drinks to wait out Hurricane Otto effects.  WOW... this will be an adventure.

Finca Isla - Wellness Retreat

In addition to shopping in town, we visited a local "soda" to purchase tasty take out local food for dinner back at our AirBnb lodging.  The owner took our pic with food and a cold Cerveza.  LOOK at the windows in the background... they started taping the windows in preparation for Hurricane Otto to arrive tomorrow!

The food was hearty and delicious .... we do love Central American food

Here's our extensive kitchen and supplies to ride out the storm.  ha ha

The best part of this rain forest lodging that we have experienced in the last 5 hours ~ very friendly hosts, solid Wi-Fi, and NO BUGS.  Hard to believe, but there are only 6 of us staying here now (including the 2 owners).  The guests are sitting outside on the community porch not swatting at a thing!  The grounds are amazing and teeming with all forms of nature.  The sound of the 2 rushing rivers will lull us to sleep tonight as we prepare for our NEXT adventure on Thursday 11/24.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING holiday to everyone!

We love you,
Diana and Dennis


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